About Jessica

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I am passionate about social justice and creating happier healthier humans for a more compassionate world

Jessica has worked therapeutically with adults and young people from diverse backgrounds, ethnicities, gender identities and sexual orientation in a variety of community, hospital and custodial settings. Jessica has more than 10 years experience working with people experiencing mental illness, substance misuse, sexual assault, family violence, relationship issues, infertility and IVF treatment amongst many other concerns. 

As a social worker, Jessica takes a holistic approach to therapy incorporating the full context of the person. This means therapy is not a values neutral space. Jessica’s practice strives to be inclusive of all people, to work from a base of feminism, anti-racism, body positivity, anti-ableism, and LGBTQIA+ affirmation.

Please feel free to call Jessica to discuss what has prompted you to seek therapy at this time and to find out if she the right fit for you.